Jennifer Grantham
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Health Probability

Health probability sums up systemic influences on physical and mental well-being and the likelihood of their impacts. Health is personal, health is public and when it comes to livability, health is intersectional. From our gene code to our zip code, our planet to our policies, our exercise to our economics, our relationship to ourselves, and others and the epigenetics of our experiences, many factors contribute to living a healthy life.


When you want to be healthy but …


Policy influences the health probability of society by establishing a framework that creates access to the healthy living patterns that enrich our common humanity.
— Jennifer Grantham



Common humanity is a shared state of being, linked with basic ethics of altruism derived from the human condition, symbolizing physical care, social intelligence and compassion towards each other and self.


common: belonging to or shared by two or more individuals or things or by all members of a group

humanity: the human race, which includes everyone on Earth

ethics: moral principles that govern a person's behavior or the conducting of an activity

altruism: the principle and practice of concern for the well-being and/or happiness of other humans or animals above oneself

human condition: the universal experience of being alive

physical care: to maintain or improve the physical health of individuals, enhancing their quality of life

social intelligence: the ability to understand one's own and others' actions and manage relationships with other people

compassion: taking action to relieve suffering


Embracing policymaking to create equitable access to health and economic mobility is key to everyday livability.
— Jennifer Grantham


Everyday Livability

Everyday livability describes the conditions that create a community’s quality of life—including the built and natural environments, economic prosperity, social stability and equity, health probability, educational opportunity, and cultural, entertainment and recreation possibilities.

Embracing policymaking to create equitable access to health and economic mobility is key to everyday livability. How do you see your city? How does it make you feel? How does it shape your perspectives, your possibilities and your personal health? What roles in your daily life would be easier if things were different? What would an urban ecosystem of care look like for you?

Identify plans, services and government-funded programs in your area and draw the connection between them and the choices elected officials make. Who is making the decisions you want to see in your community? Your state? Your country? How are they making them? Voting is how you use your voice to choose the people who create the programs, plans and policies that provide the systems of support for daily life. What would a political ecosystem of care look like for you?

Policy influences the health probability of society by establishing a framework that creates access to the healthy living patterns that enrich our common humanity. What would it look like for you to thrive and not just survive? What policies would help you get ahead and not just get by? Voting is how you use your voice to choose the people who create the programs, plans and policies that provide the systems of support for daily life—your everyday livability. Your vote is your voice. Speak up.


Voting is how you use your voice to choose the people who create the programs, plans and policies that provide the systems of support for daily life.
— Jennifer Grantham


Voting Shirt

your vote is your voice. speak up

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